Want to Get YOUR Book Done This Quarter?

As a business owner or professional in the field, you probably already know that being a published author with your own book can double or triple your business while giving you more free-time by eliminating most of the time-consuming prospecting.

So why haven’t you done your book yet?

Let me help you get your book done in the next 30 to 90 days.

If I offered to craft YOU a highly client-alluring, media-attracting, and instant authority-defining book:

-- With a super-fast turnaround (30 to 90 days)

-- Without you needing to worry about what to write or how to write it

-- So you can gain all the clients, deals, and media attention you want NOW.

Would you take me up on that offer?

My company has helped over 600+ professionals publish their books, with many of them becoming best-selling authors, since 2009.

Are you next?

Do You Have a Book Idea or Want One?
Schedule Your FREE Signature Book Discovery Session Below

Together we will explore your goals and see if and how we may be able to help you create your Signature Book to grow your business within 30 to 90 days! No obligation to find out more!

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Available Starting times for Tue, Oct 22, 2024

Hear From Our Newest Best-Selling Author Fletcher Ellingson About His Journey Working With Us and Hitting Best-Seller Status

Hear How Jayne McQuillan Transformed Her Business With Her New Book Titled "The Value Journey"

See How Kevin Nery's Best-Selling Book "Sell Smart: How Business Brokers Confidentially Sell Your Business for the Highest Value" Is Going Viral and Multiplying Kevin's Inquiries

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10 of Our Clients Just Appeared on TV, More Videos Coming Soon
Michael Wildeveld, "Exit Smart" and "Business Selling Insights"

Kep Kepner, Author of "Your Brain is Your Best Business Weapon" on The Morning Blend TV Show

Newest Client Success: ADAM MARBURGER

We helped Adam, serial entrepreneur, to complete his first book in 12 weeks, and launch it to Best-Seller in 8 Self-Help categories on Amazon. His inbox is now flooded with invitations to speak and his book has become the NUCLEUS of a NEW coaching business he was able to launch as a result.


"You were able to help me complete the book and get it to market. So without you, my friend, I wouldn't be here, and I'm thankful. You were very professional. And you were very, very easy to work with. I mean, you made it frictionless. Well, first of all, the results are crazy. The book hit multiple best-selling categories. My inbox is flooded with opportunities. Over the last three weeks, I landed multiple speaking engagements - one internationally and a keynote in the Bahamas, Atlanta, Georgia, Caesar's Palace, and Vegas. Opportunities are everywhere now. And I almost feel I should write you into my will! But really, the best part is those who have already read the book and given me the feedback. I've changed so many lives, the messages that I get. I feel so great that I'm helping so many people, and the monetary stuff that comes from it, like the speaking gigs and the business, is all icing on the cake. It really is because of the joy I'm receiving from all of the lives I've touched; oh my goodness, gracious; it's a blessing. Mark and his team will make it really, really easy. They do the heavy lifting. Your reputation speaks for itself. Your professionalism speaks for itself. You've been doing this for a long time. And you did everything you said you were going to do. There was never a moment of gray area. It was black and white. You were super professional. Your team was super professional. You were punctual and professional and frickin' knocked it out of the park. Period." 

Newest Client Success: JEREMY ACQUILANO

We helped Jeremy get his book written, edited, proofread, interior layout formatted and designed, and cover designed. His book was in his hands, on Amazon, on Kindle, among other booksellers in just 5 weeks, which was 1 week ahead of his scheduled business expo he wanted them for...


"My name is Jeremy Acquilano; I'm a business broker in Daytona Beach, Florida. I had this business expo that was coming up, and writing this book was just a lot to try and do in a short period of time. You know, I had about two months at the time that I decided to write a book. And it was really kind of a hassle trying to get everything down in such a short time. It was actually a big doubt in my mind that I could get it done.

The fact that I had a publisher in mind now was a huge motivation; it was like a huge hurdle out of the way. And then, when you explained that you guys do a little bit of ghostwriting, you guys offer the ability to ask me questions, and I can speak it out. And you guys could just jot everything down and write it for me; that really kicked me into gear, and I realized, okay, this can get done. So it gave me the hope that we could finish it in time.

It was a pleasure to talk with you guys and to be able to share everything with you. And then, you gave me some pointers on different things that I should include or shouldn't include in the book. And it gave me the right direction to ensure I was on time.

You guys over delivered on everything. You guys beat all the deadlines for everything. I got the book in hand last weekend, and I still have a week left until I actually need it. So we finished ahead of time. It was just a pleasure working with you guys."

Newest Client Success: PEGGY HOYT

We helped Peggy, an Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorney, complete her latest book in 12 weeks, then drove her book to hit #1 Best-Seller in 7 Law categories on Amazon, which she calls 'The Ultimate 3rd Party Credibility'

PEGGY HOYT - Author of "All My Children Wear Fur Coats," among other books

"Hi, my name is Peggy Hoyt. And I'm an estate planning and elder law attorney and now a best-selling author. I live in Central Florida, and I practice at the Law Offices of Hoyt and Bryant. I'm passionate about pets. And I host a weekly podcast that I call a pawcast titled All My Children Wear Fur Coats.

I was able to participate in one of your anthology book projects. And that was easy to do, fun and super simple, and a great way to get started in the book marketing business. But I had already accumulated a little stable of books of my own. And some of them were going stale. And I really needed to get them updated, get a fresh view, a fresh look, some fresh marketing. And that's where our relationship really blossomed because I was able to say to you, "Hey, Mark, I need help. And can you put the fire behind me to get me motivated to update these books? Give them a new good look, and get them out on the market?" And, of course, your answer was, "Absolutely, I can do that." And then, one day, I just had a crazy idea. I was like, "I'm going to write a book called 101 ways to F*ck Up Your Estate." And I told you about the idea, and you said, "I don't really like the title." But I said, "I don't care. I'm going to do it anyway; I just need your support." You said, "Absolutely. I'll give you my support." I was able to crank it out, get it out there. And that's the one that recently became a bestseller on Amazon.

Really, you motivate me more than I would motivate myself. So it is great having Mark as a partner because he nudges you to get you to do the things you need to do. I still owe you some content at the moment on another project that we're working on. But I will get it; I promise this weekend. So working together has been great because you laid out the format, the expectations for what we're going to do, the steps in the process, and what I need to do. Then as I complete my part of that process, I get feedback from your team. "So here's the next step. I need you to review this, edit this, and then submit the rest of this." And then it's all digital, or we do face-to-face video meetings, which is a lot of fun. But a lot of it is digital, so that you can do it from anywhere. And it just makes the whole thing seamless. So easy from start to finish on this last book. I bet it didn't even take three months. 

There was a cover design process. So some ideas were presented for covers, and I couldn't get my arms around the original designs and shared some of them with my friends. I was using them as a kind of focus group. And then I came back with some suggestions and other ideas, and you came back with a new set of recommendations. And that worked out perfectly. And that did result in the cover that we have today, which is absolutely fabulous. Because it's so bright and eye-popping, and everybody loves it. But that was perfect because it made it easy to get the cover done. I sent you all of the content on a chapter-by-chapter basis. And then your team laid out all of the interior design. To me, that's the hardest part. I have done numerous books in the past, and getting the cover design and interior design was always a huge challenge for me. Having your team review and edit and ensure that I didn't misspell words was also an excellent part of the process. Once all of that was complete, I didn't have to do anything else. I just had to wait for the final product. You sent me a preview of the product. Once I okayed that final preview, boom, it went up on Amazon. And then I said, "How do we make this a best seller?" And we got busy, and we got it done.

I wish I'd had you for my first book! Because when I did my first one, I tried to pull all the pieces together myself. And it just was overwhelming. And you make a lot of false starts and go down some bunny trails, and you don't know how to get an ISBN, and you don't know how to find a cover designer, and you don't know how to find somebody to help design the interior. And you don't know how to find somebody to help edit the book, and you don't have this nice digital platform to work on. It was just a lot.

I would absolutely give my 100% raving review endorsement of Mark and his team. I didn't know him from Adam either when I met him, but I really liked him. And I've done a couple of projects now. And would highly, highly recommend you and your team. And if anybody has an idea for a book, and everybody does, we're all authors inside our hearts, right? So if you have an idea for a book, if you have a business you want to grow, writing a book is the best third-party credibility you're ever going to have."

Watch How Fast You Benefit From Being An Amazon Author

(Watch Short Video Below)

Hear From Happy Book Clients

How Amanda Instantly Grew Her Business With Her Book

How Marty Uses His Book To Sell Bigger Audiences

Grace Diaz

James "King" Baskin Speaks About The Process

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Need More Proof??? More Happy Book Clients Speak...

Steve Lewit and Gabriel Lewit - Financial Services

Authors of Amazon Best-Selling Book "Remarkable Retirement Volume 1"

Amber Kourofsky - Bankruptcy Attorney

Author in Amazon Best-Selling Book "Worry-Free Bankruptcy"

Barbara Traylor-Smith - Financial Services
Deborah Dillman - Family Law Attorney
Douglas Katz - Financial Advisor
Howard Lotven - Attorney
Jordan Bradford - Jenna Tranel - Financial Services
Cindy Perusse - Family Law Attorney
Gary Dahlquist - Financial Advisor
Vanessa J. Gordon - Family Law Attorney
Sarah Carmody - Family Law Attorney
Rhia Bornmann - Family Law Attorney

About Mark Imperial

Co-Authored my first book with Dan Kennedy in 2008

Mark Imperial is a Best Selling Author, Syndicated Business Columnist, Syndicated Radio Host, Media Strategist, and internationally recognized Stage, Screen, and Radio Host of numerous business shows spotlighting leading experts, entrepreneurs, and business celebrities.

Mentored by Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer, was one of only a handful of business coaches in Dan and Bill's only IBA (Independent Business Advisor) Mastermind Group. Mark ran Mr. Kennedy's Chicago SW Mastermind Group for 8 years, and wrote the "Grow Your Local Business" column for his No BS Marketing Letter for 3 years straight. Mark co-authored "The Ultimate Success Secret" with Dan Kennedy in 2008.

His passion is discovering noteworthy business owners, professionals, experts, and leaders who do great work, and sharing their stories and secrets to their success with the world on his syndicated radio program titled "Remarkable Radio."

Additionally, Mark's publishing company Remarkable Press publishes these noteworthy professionals in books, many benefiting charity.

Mark is the media marketing strategist and voice for some of the world's most famous brands. You can hear his voice over the airwaves weekly on Chicago radio and worldwide on iHeart Radio.

Mark is a Karate black belt, coaches Muay Thai, Kickboxing, loves Thai food, House Music, and his favorite TV show is infomercials. He lives in the suburbs of Chicago, IL with a brindle-color French Bulldog puppy named Fortune.


Below are some references you can skim so you can see I've been helping professionals grow for a long time! I don't expect you to view everything, I know it's a lot, but my personal info is below, too. I realize we may have not yet met, so I want to go above and beyond to show you some of my over 25 years experience and 5-Star reviews from clients.


1---------------------You may or may not be familiar with the famous marketing guru, Dan Kennedy. I've worked with Dan since 2008. I wrote for Dan Kennedy's No BS Marketing Letter for 3 years...my column is called "Grow Your Local Business"

2--------------------I've also been serving the business community since 1994, and you will find my reputation on Google and Yelp with comments from my clients....https://goo.gl/JfygMs

3--------------------I've been on terrestrial radio here in Chicago since 2009 on 560 The Answer, and currently on iHeart Radio and WCKG AM and FM.

Here is my current show link (iHeart and Business Innovators Radio): http://businessinnovatorsradio.com/author/markimperial

4--------------------Published the first book to grow professional's businesses in 2005, and you will find my current Author page on Amazon here:


Yelp Reviews and Reputation 


I've been helping small business for over 25 years so you are in good hands.

©️ 2022 Mark Imperial - All Rights Reserved